Financial support and social welfare rights



The Sports Act brings the following rights to athletes:

Field of education and training

  • The right to adjust school and study obligations to the extent and in the manner determined by the regulations governing the field of upbringing and education, or the field of higher education.
  • The right to adjust the completion of the matriculation examination in accordance with the second paragraph of this article.
  • The right to reimbursement of education costs for obtaining education according to publicly valid educational programs in the Republic of Slovenia, namely once at each level of education that has not yet been obtained, or qualification for professional work in sports according to this law.

Field of employment

  • Article 35 of the ZSpo defines that top athletes and professional workers also have the right to employment in the public sector in accordance with Article 63 of the ZSpo, which defines the purpose of employment as support and systemic assistance to top sports and the promotion of the state and local communities. In this way, top athletes and professional workers who perform professional work on sports education programs for children and youth focused on high-quality and top-class sports can be fully employed.
  • The newly adopted ZSpo therefore enables top athletes to be employed in the enFre public sector and not only in the state administration. Local communities and public insFtuFons have or will recognize the added value of top athletes in their work. Examples from the world show that athletes can become promoters of companies and organizations; many of them manage to make a very successful dual career after finishing their sports career.

Documents and tutorial for career path: